2018 Pittsburgh Flying Disc Open ( PFDO ) A-Tier
Moraine State Park Disc Golf Course
Portersville, PA
Special thanks to our broadcast sponsor Dynamic Discs.
Visit DynamicDiscs.com
Featured Players:
Nathan Queen (Innova) PDGA# 68286, Alex Russell (Latitude 64) PDGA# 66362, Corey Ellis (Discraft) PDGA# 44512, Andrew Fish (Discraft) PDGA# 58320
Disc Golf Examiner is excited to bring you coverage of the 2018 PFDO Final 9 MPO Lead Card.
TD: Robin White
Commentators: Brian Keegan with special guest Nathan Queen
Videographers: Brian Keegan (Tee Box) and Matt Lienemann (Catch Cam)
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