Disc Golf Examiner Unboxing:
DiscMember is a monthly Disc Golf subscription package loaded with $50+ of gear for only $24.99/mo! Sign up today and put dgexaminer in your order comment to get a $10 Disc Store gift card your 1st month!
Get more details at DiscMember.com
Enter: dgexaminer into your order comments and get a $10 gift card!
They are taking sign ups in July for the August Discmember packages, so jump on this program today!
In this month’s package for only $24.99:
Prodigy X5 First Run (Brand new disc!)
T-Rex Mini
#GrowtheSport sticker
#GrowtheSport Dry Fit Shirt
$25 Gift Card to DiscStore.com
10% off DiscStore.com purchases while you have subscription